my little big planet

my little big planet

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Intelligent machines, bosses, puzzles and vehicles.

LittleBigPlanet allowed you to string together vast piston-fuelled logic systems to control your bosses,vehicles, puzzles and machines. We’ve taken that system and simplified it to save on effort, space, thermometer load, and allow for far more advanced setups.
Circuit boards are your new friends, the very best friends you’ll ever have. You can resize them, cover them in all manner of switches, wire it all up, and then shrink it down to a tiny, tiny microchip... stick that on your creation, and give it all the logic you’ve just defined.
Remember that insane calculator level, made up of hundreds of pistons? You can fit that entire thing into one microchip.
Intelligent machines, bosses, puzzles and vehicles.
Grin-inducing Power-ups.

Grin-inducing Power-ups.

Since the dawn of game, power-ups, enhancements and special abilities have enabled video game characters to go that extra mile, faster, bigger, and better equipped than they’d otherwise be. So what great game would be complete without them?
We’ve crammed in a whole bunch of new things for Sackboy to play around with, including a swell Grappling Hook, and nifty Bounce-pads for springy-flippy action. The Grabinators allow you to pick up other objects and hurl them at your friends. Or just pick up your friends and hurl them at objects, either one works just fine. Last but not least, the Creatinator, it's an emitter on your head! You can set it fire just about anything you want to; jam, cakes, advanced machinery, cows, anything.

Original Soundtrack.

What opus is complete with out it’s very own soundtrack? We spend lots of time getting the score for our games just right, and now you can too, with a detailed in-game sequencer that allows you  You can even share the music you make for other people to use in their creations.
Original Soundtrack.
All kinds of extras!
Birthday Cake Costume
Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception™ Costume
From InviZimals™ Costume Pack
Metalmutt Costume (From InviZimals™)
Tigershark Costume (From InviZimals™)
Icelion Costume (From InviZimals™)
Flameclaw Costume (From InviZimals™)
Halloween Mask
Weekend Pursuits Costume Pack
Caver Costume
Angler Costume
Golfer Costume
Skier Costume
LittleBigPlanet™2: Move Pack: Rise of the Cakeling
World Peace Day Costume
Toy Story 3 Costume Pack
Toy Story 3 Dolly Costume
Toy Story 3 Trixie Costume
Lots-O'-Huggin' Bear Costume
Toy Story 3 Mr. Pricklepants Costume
Toy Story 2 Costume Pack
Toy Story 2 Emperor Zurg Costume
Toy Story 2 Stinky Pete Costume
Toy Story 2 Jessie Costume
Toy Story 2 Woody Costume
Perseids Costume
Toy Story Level Kit
Toy Story Costume Pack
Toy Story Hamm Costume
Toy Story Rex Costume

All kinds of extras!

LittleBigPlanet has an absolutely vast catalogue of extra bits and pieces for you to download from the PlayStation store, some paid, some free, and each one allowing you a little more creative freedom. From sticker packs by famous artists, new costumes for Sackboy (and bots!) right through to whole level packs, there’s a giant wealth of content to chose from. To make it even sweeter, all your content from LittleBigPlanet is fully backwards compatible with LittleBigPlanet 2.

Everything you need to make your own game

With our new toolset in your little burlap hands, you’ll have all the ingredients of a great game laid out before you, waiting for you to stew them up into something nutritious.
Lovable Characters.

Lovable Characters.

Add life to your levels by dropping in a couple of Sackbots, then tweak ‘em to fit your purpose: style, shape, resize and dress them up nice, and then bring them to life with digital puppetry; either choosing their behaviour or recording your own. Sackbots can be friends or foes, robots or zombies... whatever you need them to be.

Cinematic masterpieces.

You no longer have to be an academy award winning film maker to build great game cinematics (although it will help it has to be said.) New cinematic tools make it pretty darn simple to wheel in a couple of cameras into your level, choose the angles, zoom in, make it pan, sweep, fade out, or other technically named camera moves, and then string them all together to tell a story... With these tools there’s no need to stop at cut scenes either; combine the new cameras with Sackbots and you could create music videos, short films or even entire movies. You’re going to be a box office smash.
Cinematic masterpieces.
Your own Controls.

Your own Controls.

Open up the guts of the Controller by placing a Direct Control Seat into the world, popping up its controller shaped circuit board, and wiring the buttons to whatever you like - switches, motors, sound objects... Your vehicles and creations can behave exactly the way you want them to, or you can just wire up all the controls to various burping noises to make a crude instrument. With Direct control you can take Sackboy out of the picture, and make a game that doesn’t even remotely resemble ours. Your very own handmade arcade.

Play, Create, Share, and Discover.

Play, Create, Share, and Discover.

With five million creations out there, and millions more to come, it’s important that you’re able to find the experience you’re looking for. We’ve expanded Share to enhance your ability to discover exactly what you want to find.
We’ve given the searching system a total overhaul, and we’ve added Activity Streams so you can follow your friends and hearted creators to see what they’e getting up to, helping you unearth all the top notch playable nuggets that are popping into existence all around you.
A new web portal called gives every single LittleBigPlanet creation its own home on the web, with a page for every creator and every level. Browse creations online to find fab levels, add them to your queue to play later on, check photos, comments, leader-boards, create and share playlists, and easily promote your levels and games wherever you might hang out online.

A Platform for Games.

A powerful new set of tools awaits you, tools that vastly widen the scope of possibility, and that hand you the power to create WHOLE GAMES.
Through a familiar but revamped Popit, you can bring your characters to life, compose your own music, direct cinematic masterpieces, wire controllers directly in to your contraptions, connect easy to use switches, microchips and circuit boards to build epic bosses, vehicles, machines, and puzzles.
Make your wildest dreams come true, yes, even that one.
A handmade arcade
It’s our Grandest Handmade Adventure.

It’s our Grandest Handmade Adventure.

Bring your little Sackperson on a brand-spanking-new adventure, wrought with mild, and possibly even pant-wetting peril, and spanning an entire cosmos of tomfoolery...
Happy that no more demands are being made to him after his successful adventure to return sharing to LittleBigPlanet, it’s all going swimmingly for Sackboy... That is, until a some kind of inter-dimensional, hyper-spatial, 1800 watt Vacuum Cleaner appears in the skies, causing quite the ruckus and sucking Sackboy up into its musty bowels. All jolly sinister and most inconvenient.
Happily, a jolly nice fellow named Larry Da Vinci intervenes and rescues him from what has come to be known as The Negativitron. Da Vinci, it turns out, is in charge of “The Alliance”, a semi-secret, semi-organised group devoted to fighting The Negativitron before it destroys the whole Cosmos.
You’re about to get recruited, I’ll bet my teeth! A grand adventure is afoot, with a butt-load of new themes, toys, enemies and all manner of shenanigans.

One BIG Community

5 Million levels ready to play.
LittleBigPlanet is a manifested embodiment of your perfect dream world. It’s all about your imagination, and yourcreativity and to date you’ve filled it with over 5 Million levels.
LittleBigPlanet 2 is part of that very same dream world, it’s all one big ever-expanding cheese-stuffed-crust community, which means each and every one of those five million creations will be yours to play, right out of the box, along with everything you’ve already collected or built in LittleBigPlanet.
One BIG Community

Content creation

A demonstration of the character customisation available in LittleBigPlanet.
The player may customise their character in a range of ways. They are able to select a base colour and texture for their Sackboy from a range of materials and designs along with giving them pre-made items including clothes, masks, swords and capes. By placing stickers and decorations on their Sackboy, it is possible to make new kinds of costumes. The game also features items based on other PlayStation franchises, such as a Helghast soldier from Killzone 2;[24] and character models based on KratosMedusa, and the Minotaur from the God of War series;[25] Nariko from Heavenly Sword;[26] Old SnakeRaiden,Meryl, and Screaming Mantis from Metal Gear Solid 4;[27] Sephiroth from Final Fantasy VII;[28] a Chimera from the Resistance series;[29] as well as Ryu, Guile, Chun Li, and Zangief from Street Fighter;[30] characters from the Sonic the Hedgehog franchise; and Ezio from Assassin's Creed II.
Although the Create aspect does include minor tweaks to existing levels whilst they are being played, such as placing stickers and decorations in levels, the main focus of this mode is the level editor. The editor incorporates a large number of editing facilities to create levels from a low to a high degree of complexity. The player may create new objects by starting with a number of basic shapes, such as circles, stars and squares, and then "painting" a shape into the level using one of the many materials. Objects may be glued to each other or to the level. More mechanical features are also available, such as connecting objects together with string, using bolts to spin objects, or using various kinds of triggers. Rocket motors can be attached to objects to propel them across a level.[19] After creating custom objects, the player may save their creation to a library for later use, and even share their object by placing it inside a prize bubble in their level, so that other players who play the level can collect it and may use it in their own levels.[12]
In order to facilitate the creation process and to accommodate any mistakes made, the editor features a manipulatable time system, whereby the player may "rewind" the editor, which acts as an undo feature, or pause the editor, which temporarily halts objects that run under the physics engine, such as gravity acting on falling or rolling objects.[12] In addition to his narration for other parts of the game, Stephen Fry provides the voice-over for the large number of video and interactive tutorials that accompany the create mode, a number of which must be completed in full before unlocking a new set of objects for use.[20] User-generated content is not limited to the player's region, but is available worldwide.[31]
Although the feature was initially announced with the game, the ability to use create mode with other players online was not included in the final release. This functionality was added to the game through a software patch in November 2009 following a public closed beta test. Users are able to invite up to three people from their PlayStation Network Friends list to join them and create levels together.[32]