Intelligent machines, bosses, puzzles and vehicles.
LittleBigPlanet allowed you to string together vast piston-fuelled logic systems to control your bosses,vehicles, puzzles and machines. We’ve taken that system and simplified it to save on effort, space, thermometer load, and allow for far more advanced setups.
Circuit boards are your new friends, the very best friends you’ll ever have. You can resize them, cover them in all manner of switches, wire it all up, and then shrink it down to a tiny, tiny microchip... stick that on your creation, and give it all the logic you’ve just defined.
Remember that insane calculator level, made up of hundreds of pistons? You can fit that entire thing into one microchip.
Grin-inducing Power-ups.
Since the dawn of game, power-ups, enhancements and special abilities have enabled video game characters to go that extra mile, faster, bigger, and better equipped than they’d otherwise be. So what great game would be complete without them?
We’ve crammed in a whole bunch of new things for Sackboy to play around with, including a swell Grappling Hook, and nifty Bounce-pads for springy-flippy action. The Grabinators allow you to pick up other objects and hurl them at your friends. Or just pick up your friends and hurl them at objects, either one works just fine. Last but not least, the Creatinator, it's an emitter on your head! You can set it fire just about anything you want to; jam, cakes, advanced machinery, cows, anything.
Original Soundtrack.
What opus is complete with out it’s very own soundtrack? We spend lots of time getting the score for our games just right, and now you can too, with a detailed in-game sequencer that allows you You can even share the music you make for other people to use in their creations.
All kinds of extras!
LittleBigPlanet has an absolutely vast catalogue of extra bits and pieces for you to download from the PlayStation store, some paid, some free, and each one allowing you a little more creative freedom. From sticker packs by famous artists, new costumes for Sackboy (and bots!) right through to whole level packs, there’s a giant wealth of content to chose from. To make it even sweeter, all your content from LittleBigPlanet is fully backwards compatible with LittleBigPlanet 2.
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